Monday, 26 January 2015

What is IM and how does it relate to businesses?

Picture Retrieved from: 
Pixgood. (2015). Pix for > Instant Messaging
Retrieved January 26, 2015, from Pixgood:

What is Instant Messaging?

Instant messaging can be defined as the instant exchange of messages in real time between two or more people through the use of various devices. These devices may include PDAs, mobile phones, laptops, etc. The term instant message is often abbreviated to IM. Anyone using IM services can have multiple conversations with different people at the same time. Typically for IM to work, both users must be online at the same time, but as technology has evolved, this is no longer the case when it comes to using the service on cell phones.

How does Instant Messaging Work in the Workplace?

Picture Retrieved from: Tech Genie. (2015). How to use instant messaging and video.
Retrieved January 26, 2015, from TechGenie:

Text messages and IM are often sent within a few seconds using a short messaging service (SMS) which is made available by cell phone service providers. This technology has become increasingly popular as it was first used by teens then became integrated into the work place. The benefits of using IM are that they enable everyone to stay in contact and up to date whether it involves meetings, projects, consultations, or events. 
The majority of people who use text messaging have developed short forms for most words in order to speed up the process which enables them to become more efficient. The issue with these short forms, is that they represent poor communication skills and may sometimes be interpreted in the wrong context.

How is IM Changing the World of Business?

In a business communication is key. Any form of communication that is sent should be concise and conveyed in a way that leaves no room for open interpretation. As IM becomes a more crucial part of businesses, it presents several dangers to both the company as well as it's employees. As technology evolves, it is important to be aware that the laws governing that technology will also evolve as well. Just because you are not having a face-to-face interaction with the person you are communicating with does not mean that you should lack a certain level of professionalism which often seems to be the case with IM.
Most people do not realize that the majority of professionals will judge a person based on their writing skills since most communications are now done through email, IM, text, blogs, etc. It is important to maintain a professional demeanour regardless of the means of communication.  

A Few Questions to Consider:

  • Do you think that it is acceptable to use abbreviations when using IM in the workplace?
  • Should business' educate their employees on the dangers of IM before allowing them access to the application through workplace devices?
Please comment as to why you believe it is important to maintain a certain level of professionalism when using IM.

Works Cited

Pixgood. (2015). Pix for > Instant Messaging. Retrieved January 26, 2015, from Pixgood:
Rouse, M. (2008, January). Instant Messaging (IM or IM-ing or AIM). Retrieved January 26, 2015, from Search Unified Communications:
Tech Genie. (2015). How to use instant messaging and video. Retrieved January 26, 2015, from TechGenie:

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